Am Morgen haben wir euch bereits über die große WvW-Überarbeitung informiert. Inzwischen gibt es auch einige Entwickler-Aussagen zu weiteren Inhalten und Antworten zu Fragen aus der Community. Da sicherlich in den kommenden Tagen weitere Dinge folgenden werden, haben wir diese Aussagen zur besseren Übersicht in einem zweiten Beitrag gesammelt.
Update: Wir werden jeden Tag neue Entwickler-Aussagen ergänzen. Wir sammeln diese unter dem Punkt „Neu“. In der Nacht zum Freitag gab es dabei einige neue Informationen.
Wann wird die Überarbeitung veröffentlicht?
Viele Spieler fragen sich, wann die Neuerungen ins Spiel kommen. Aktuell befinden wir uns aber noch in der Entwicklungs-Phase, es wird also noch einige Zeit dauern.
We have just entered the early stages of development and this will take some time to complete. I was just stating that we have already recognized the need for extra time to organize when the changes eventually go live.
Can’t give an exact date yet, but it will take several months We wanted to start the dialogue early so we could hear feedback and work to improve the design where possible.
Sprache im WvW
In der deutschen Community gibt es einige Sorgen bezüglich der Sprache auf den sich alle acht Wochen neu bildenden Servern. Darum haben wir hier die Aussagen der Entwickler zu diesem Thema gesammelt. Diesen kann man entnehmen, dass Rücksicht auf die Spieler anderer Sprachen genommen werden, indem sich die Server an der Gilden-Sprache bzw. der Client-Sprache orientieren.
Guilds will be able to set their language. An alliance will take the language of the guild that created it. If you aren’t playing with a guild then the system will use whatever language you set the game as to sort you into a world that is that language.
Yes, except worlds will also consider language. So random alliances, guilds, and individuals that all have the same language preference.
Das Allianz-System hat für einige Rückfragen in der Community gesorgt. Wir haben hier alle Aussagen zur Klärung des Systems für euch gesammelt. Spieler müssen sich für eine WvW-Gilde entscheiden, die sie in dem neuen System repräsentieren. Allianzen werden ein Spieler-Cap haben, sodass zwar unterschiedlich viele Gilden in der Allianz seien können, aber trotzdem nur bestimmte Spieler für das WvW zählen. Es wird außerdem über einen Allianz-Chat nachgedacht.
If the alliance is capped no more players can join. It would be up to the guild on how they want to handle having those [Anmerkung zurückkehrende inaktive Spieler] guildies play with them. Leaving the alliance and creating a new one, is what I expect most guilds would try and do. They could also leave the alliance and decide to just be sorted as a guild in the next season.
It will become „active“ when the next season starts. So if you change your WvW guild in the middle of season 1, you wont be sorted onto the same world as them until season 2.
You will count as 1 player (Anmerkung: Wenn man bei mehreren Gilden der Allianz ist). This is handled by being able to only select 1 of those guilds as your WvW guild.
Yes. That number of guilds is still being determined but there will cap. It will also depend on the guilds size. For example an alliance might be able to have 5 small guilds before it is full, while another alliance might only be able to have 2 big guilds before it is full.
An alliance can not be large enough to be it’s own world since alliances have population caps. It will be possible to have a world with 1 alliance and many individuals though, or even a world with no alliances and instead several guilds.
The current design is that there will be a new tab in the guild panel where guilds can create and manage Alliances. The guild that created the Alliance can kick guilds from the alliance. We have also discussed that no one can kick guilds from an Alliance. Instead anyone can leave an Alliance and form a new one.
The number of worlds can change every season. The number will always be divisible by 3, but one season could have 12 world and the next could have 15. The goal is to have worlds be balanced at the same level. That way we can create great matches.
Für die gebildeten Server gibt es noch keine festen Namen, aber die der aktuellen Server werden nicht wiederverwendet.
We will look into this, but world restructuring will probably not consider the block list. It becomes too difficult to create massive worlds if it has to consider block lists when creating them.
That inactive player should set their guild as their WvW guild so next season they are guaranteed to be able to play with their guild. They might be able to play with their guild during the current season if the guild is on a world that is not full. Then the new system would recommend that world to the player when they enter WvW.
Es wird eine Übergangszeit für Organisationen und Transfers geben:
We are planning to give the community some lead time before this goes live. Organizing yourselves will take time and we want to allow that to happen. Transfers are something we can monitor better with this system and respond to more quickly. Since worlds should be relatively even the amount of transferring to the higher population worlds before they become full will be less. This should prevent guilds and alliances trying to use transferring to stack servers more difficult. We’re open to discussion about this though and the „fullness %s“ are things be looking at and adjusting if needed until we find a good spot.
Es wird mit den Änderungen keine neuen Grenzlande geben:
We do not have any plans to have a leaderboard based off of this system.
Welten-Population in der Übersicht
Ebenfalls im Zusammenhang mit den Änderungen an den Servern hat Raymond Lukes eine unbeschriftete Grafik veröffentlicht. Sie zeigt die verhältnismäßige Aktivität der Server im WvW. Auf dem Server Schwarztor in Amerika spielen mehr als doppelt so viele Spieler aktiv wie beim kleinsten Server und 30% mehr als auf einem durchschnittlichen.
There has been some talk about using Blackgate as an example in the post. Blackgate has been at the top of player activity hours in WvW for a very long time in NA. BG’s numbers are twice as big as the average world on NA (without world linking) and 30% larger then the average NA host world. I’m not saying Blackgate hasn’t suffered losses of players and coverage but BG is still on top for activity. IT’S NOT JUST BLACKGATE though. Here are all the worlds in NA and EU ordered by size names have been omitted to protect the innocent:
Alexander Leitsch war früher mal unser Chef. Inzwischen geht er dem Journalismus nichtmehr hier, sondern hauptberuflich nach.
Ingame erreicht man ihn unter dem Accountnamen: Sputti.8214
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