Tyria Pride – End of Dragons
Der Pride Month hat begonnen. Zum ersten mal gibt es dieses Jahr ein neues Community-Event.
Mit Tyria Pride – End of Dragons findet eine kleine Version des Tyria Pride Marsches statt.

Tyria Pride – End of Dragons
Im Juni feiert sich die LGBTQIA+-Community auch in Guild Wars 2 mit Tyria Pride am 22. und 23. Juni.
Auf wunsch der Community gibt es dieses Jahr auch eine kleinere Version in Cantha. Am 08. Juni 2024 findet Tyria Pride – End of Dragons auf den EU-Servern statt und am 09. Juni 2024 auf den NA-Servern.
Es wird an beiden Tagen ein Versteckenspiel im Turm des Zauberers geben und nach einer Stunde, (EU 15:00 Uhr und NA 23:00 Uhr) beginnt dann der Marsch über alle vier Karten von End of Dragons.
Abgeschlossen werden die beiden Events mit einem Fashion Wars – Event.
Hello @everyone, time for our second @Side Events announcement! This year we put up a vote for the return of the mini-march, and by a landslide, the winner was:
End of Dragons Mini-March!
Have you ever really stopped to smell the cherry blossoms of Seitung, the food stands of New Kaineng, the earthy lichen-scented breeze of Echovald, or… whatever the Jade Sea smells like? Well, now you can! Join us on a short but fun march through Canthan territory to spread the word of Tyria Pride to the furthest reaches of the world, a miniature version of the main march, and a great way to catch up with everyone and make plans before the big day! This is also a great opportunity for first-time volunteers to see what it’s like to run the march in an easier, smaller setting, so anyone interested in volunteering is warmly invited to join us!
Hide & Seek!
Just so you don’t think all we do is march, we also have a classic community day activity – the hide & seek! Can you find the hidden volunteers, or stay hidden away as they come out to find you? Join the Mini-March day an hour early for this extra activity!
Event Schedule
EU | Saturday, June 8
- 15:00: Hide & Seek!
- 16:00: EoD Mini-March
- (Followed by Norn Fashion Wars!)
NA | Sunday, June 9
- 22:00: Hide & Seek!
- 23:00: EoD Mini-March
- (Followed by Sylvari Fashion Wars!)
Sa. Juni 8. · 16:00
[EU] End of Dragons Mini-March
For the first time ever, Tyria Pride is coming to End of Dragons! Join us as we march through all 4 non-hub core End of Dragons maps, and see the beautiful sights that Cantha has to offer! Bonus Event: Prior to the march, we will be gathering at 15:00 for a quick Hide & Seek mini-game in The Wizard’s Tower [SotO required for that portion] and possibly some other maps! Afterwards, we will join our friends in Hoelbrak for the Norn portion of the fashion wars! Note: A voice channel will be opened for the event
[NA] End of Dragons Mini-March!
For the first time ever, Tyria Pride is coming to End of Dragons! Join us as we march through all 4 non-hub core End of Dragons maps, and see the beautiful sights that Cantha has to offer! Bonus Event: Prior to the march, we will be gathering at 22:00 for a quick Hide & Seek mini-game in The Wizard’s Tower [SotO required for that portion] and possibly some other maps! Afterwards, we will join our friends in The Grove for the Sylvari portion of the fashion wars! Note: A voice channel will be opened for the event