
Tyria Pride 2024 angekündigt

Jedes Jahr feiert ArenaNet die Vielfalt. Aber auch die Community veranstaltet dieses Jahr das großartige Tyria Pride 2024. Schließt euch an und feiert mit uns Tyria und der Communtiy die LGBTQIA+-Community.

Was geschieht beim Tyria Pride 2024 ?

Tyria Pride ist ein von der Community organisiertes Event. Es findet am 22. Juni und am 23. Juni 2024 statt. Die Community möchte damit die LGBTQ+ Community unterstützen. Auch offline werden Spenden für die Rainbow Railroad gesammelt, die sich weltweit für die Menschen der LGBTQ+ Community und deren Rechte einsetzt.

Ingame sind an beiden Tagen Umzüge geplant, in denen die Spieler quer durch Tyria ziehen und sich dann später feiernd versammeln. Das Event findet versetzt auf den EU- und NA-Server statt, so dass Ihr also auch ohne Probleme auf beiden Server-Strukturen teilnehmen könnt. Das Event findet bereits seit acht Jahren regelmäßig in Tyria statt.

Wie kann man teilnehmen?

Um teilnehmen zu können, solltet ihr euch bis 15 Minuten vor Beginn an den jeweiligen Startpositionen einfinden.
Der Beginn ist um 16 Uhr des jeweiligen Tages. Es werden dann im LFG Schlachtzüge eröffnet, sodass man dem Event beitreten kann, dabei werden immer neue eröffnet, sobald ein Schlachtzug voll sein sollte.

  • Samstag, 22. Juni: Ebonfalke (am Portal nach Götterfels)
  • Sonntag, 23. Juni: Löwenstein (beim Feld der Gefallenen)

Solltet ihr weitere Fragen haben, wurde ein Discord eröffnet, dem ihr einfach beitreten könnt. Ihr findet diesen unter tyriapride.com/discord.

Im Discord findet ihr auch die Informationen, wie ihr an der Spendenaktion für Rainbow Railroad teilnehmen könnt.

Ankündigung Forum

Tyria Pride 2024 will be happening on June 22 & 23, on both NA and EU servers!

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 What is Tyria Pride?

Tyria Pride is an annual event that celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and our allies both in-game and out, and raises funds for Rainbow Railroad, a non-profit organisation which helps LGBTQ+ people around the world escape state-sponsored persecution and violence!

It’s a 2-day event with a long history in GW2, as part of which we’ll be walking from Ebonhawke to the gates of Rata Sum in Metrica Province, hanging out & having fun while raising funds to make the world a better place than we found it!

■ When / Where?

The event takes place over two days, and will be held on both EU and NA servers.

Start locations:

  • • Saturday, June 22: Ebonhawke (at the portal from Divinity’s Reach)
  • • Sunday, June 23: Lion’s Arch (at the Field of the Fallen)

Start times:

• EU: 16:00 CEST [14:00 UTC]• NA: 4 PM CDT [21:00 UTC]

These are general start times, we tend to start marching about 15 minutes past the hour. Despite this, to get into the correct instances without any issues, it’s recommended to be at the location at least 15 minutes before the hour.

 How to join?

To accommodate everyone coming to the event, we’ll have multiple volunteers helping everyone get together, and will be taking over multiple instances of the same mapEach instance can only take about 150 people, so not everyone will be able to fit on the same instance. Our volunteers will be opening LFGs to get everyone onto a number of maps.

One way to make this simpler and to get in touch with volunteers more easily is to join the Tyria Pride discord, at tyriapride.com/discord, where you can get all the info about the event as well as more easily get assistance! During the event, loads of attendees also hang out in voice chat, but that’s a totally optional component!

Please note: Do not open your own LFGs, please wait for organisers to open theirs so that you can join on a map instance with an organiser on it. Due to how the megaservers work, just because you are in Ebonhawke / Lion’s Arch, it doesn’t mean you’re with the organisers. That’s why it’s a good idea to arrive into the map before the event start time!

 How to get involved?

The success and scope of Tyria Pride depends heavily on help and volunteers from the community! If you wish to help out, there are several ways you can do so:

 • Volunteering: Volunteers help out on the day of the event by helping ferry/taxi everyone into the correct instance between maps, guiding the path, fielding questions & providing information (which you’ll be provided as a volunteer in the form of copy-pastes). A commander tag helps greatly with this but is not necessary. We’re also looking for volunteers for pre-events, so even if you can’t make it on the day, you can still help us make 2024 the best Tyria Pride ever!

• Streaming the event: Streamers have become one of the main pillars of Tyria Pride, and a ton of our fundraising comes directly from the amazing content creators in the GW2 community. If you’re a streamer, big or small, we’d love to see you at the event! In the past, many streamers have even organised pre-events in support of the fundraiser! We’ll be compiling and highlighting a list of streamers that will be attending the event, so if you’re planning on streaming, let me know!

• Contributing in-game prizes: One of the ways that we encourage donations to the Rainbow Railroad fundraiser is by doing raffles of in-game prizes. In the past, this has included legendaries, rare materials and fancy skins! If you can contribute anything that you think might be a cool prize, get in touch!

• Organising pre-events: If you’re someone who can organise your own events, like a community or guild leader, a streamer, or just someone who is very good at organising stuff, you can spread the word, raise in-game funds, or even add to the Rainbow Railroad fundraiser by organising your own pre-events in anticipation of Tyria Pride!

• Spreading the word: The most important thing for any event is visibility! If you can spread the word to your friends, your guild, your favorite streamer, share the event on social media, talk about it at brunch with your co-workers, explain it to your cat! For quick information, here’s a promo image you can share!

If you want to get involved, either as a guild or as an individual, the best way to do that is to join our discord at tyriapride.com/discord and get in touch there, or contact me in-game at Lelling.6795 via in-game mail!

■ Fundraiser

As always, we’re walking the walk to create actual change and improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people worldwide, so we are running a fundraiser for Rainbow Railroad, an organisation focused on helping LGBTQ+ individuals escape state sponsored persecution and violence. Last year we were joined live by RR representative Brittany Skerritt, you can watch that video here!

The fundraiser will be opened in June, closer to the event. Keep an eye on this space and follow this topic for updates!

Just like every year, those donating to the fundraiser will be able to participate in raffles to receive both in-game and out-of-game rewards! Last year we gave away 4 legendaries, 18 precursors, and tons more stuff, with over 80 in-game prizes, as well as artist commission giveaways!

■ Contact

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to ask them here on this post! I’ll be checking it regularly and doing my best to reply to any questions! You can also join the Tyria Pride in-game guild, but note that the guild is inactive throughout the year, and is only used as an infopoint to let people know about this particular event. If you’re looking for an active LGBTQ+ guild, the Tyria Pride discord has a guild section, and the event itself is also a great place to ask around!

In-game contact: Lelling.6795

You can also catch me live with any questions on Twitch: twitch.tv/lelling

Tyria Pride discord: tyriapride.com/discord


Eyora, mein Name kommt aus Fantasy-Romanen, da ich im Fantasy-Bereich stark aktiv bin. Aber als ein Kind der 80er, weiß ich schon gar nicht mehr, aus welchem Roman der Name kam, habe daher aber auch die gesamte Entwicklung der Spiele mit gemacht. GW2 spiele ich seit Release und treibe mich auf Tyria immer im PVE rum, da ich nach wie vor die Geschichten liebe. Für gemeinsame Abenteuer findet ihr mich Ingame unter Eyora.8196.

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