
Raids: Snow Crows Monthly Competition!

Die Snow Crows wollen die Raid-Szene von Guild Wars 2 mit etwas Leben und Wettbewerb füllen. Deshalb organisieren sie einen monatlichen Wettkampf um den schnellsten Kill.

Snow Crows Monthly Competition!

Bei dem Wettkampf geht es darum, den schnellsten Boss-Kill des Monats zu erzielen. Neben dem Ziel-Boss wird dabei allerdings auch vorgegeben, welche Klassen bzw. Spezialisierungen zu verwenden sind. Nur die jeweiligen Builds sind frei wählbar.

Stattfinden soll das Ganze in den ersten beiden Wochen jedes Monats stattfinden. Nur für das erste Turnier werden drei Wochen gewährt. Als Belohnung winken 4000 Edelsteine für den Sieger-Trupp

Den Startschuss hat Roca heute um 17 Uhr in seinem Twitch-Steam zelebriert. Dort wurden auch Boss und Team-Zusammenstellungen zufällig ausgewählt. Demnach ist das Ziel für den Auftakt der Boss Faultierion, alias Slothasor. Die verlangte Team Aufstellung und genaue Regeln könnt ihr unten der Ankündigung entnehmen.

Original Ankündigung

Hello friends,


Remember when I promised a long time ago to start using money from the Snow Crows Patreon donations for setting up competitions? It’s finally time to start rolling them out!

50% of the monthly donations to SC will go towards buying gems to reward winners for the monthly competitions! This does mean that there won’t be huge prizes for now, but hopefully this will be enough to get people interested! Right now, that would be roughly 4000 gems to be split amongst the winning squad.

The competitions are kindly being supported by Roca and Nike, who will help me administrate the events.

What’s Viability?

This is a new monthly competition that will run for the first two weeks of every month, except for the first competition as you will get three weeks! The aim of the game is to get the fastest boss kill for that month; but, obviously there’s twist!

Each month a predefined squad will be drawn live on stream. They will then be posted on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit and on the Snow Crows Discord. The squads will be randomised from all specialisations each month, along with a random boss. How you decide to arrange your squad and the builds is entirely up to you, as long as the predefined specialisations are there!

First Monthly Composition!

Subgroup 1Subgroup 2
Core EngineerMirage
Core RangerSpellbreaker


The boss that was thrown out was Slothasor. You can arrange the subgroups however you want.

A couple of rules!

You must use all the Specialisations listed. Conversely, if a core profession is listed in a slot, you can’t use any Elite Specializations for that slot.

You can’t precast skills from other specialisations from your profession.

You can’t prestack with stacking sigils.

You can’t bug abuse, glitch or hack!

How do we compete?

The first competition will begin on the 23rd of February at 5pm CET (Berlin Time) and will end on the 15th of March at the same time. All you have to do is submit a log and, ideally, a video to me through discord! You’ll be able to recognise me on discord as I’ve got the little crown next to my name. The first competition will last for three weeks to give people a little extra time to get in the swing of things! The following competitions will always begin on the 1st of the month and end on the 15th!

You can submit logs and videos anytime after competition begins and before the deadline. If you beat your own time later, that’s okay! You can resubmit anytime before the deadline. Submissions must be from after the balance patch, this is why logs have to be included.

When do we release the composition?

The composition will be rolled out live on Roca’s Twitch Stream on Saturday the 23rd of February at 5pm CET (Berlin Time). We will use a wonderful wheel of fortune to spin the fate of the team compositions! Afterwards, Roca and I will talk for a little bit about what could be done with the compositions and how you might be able to do the boss. Don’t forget to tune in to see the compositions and maybe get some ideas!

After the stream I will post the compositions on the Snow Crow’s discord and will update this reddit post!

Why do we want videos?

We will make compilation videos of all the attempts and post them on YouTube so you can see how other people played and what their ideas were! Of course, the winning post will also be there! The videos and compositions for each competition will be stored on the Snow Crows Discord’s archived channels, so you can easily go back and see what’s happened before, and relive the excitement!

Once all the submissions have been looked at and the deadline passed; Roca, Nike and myself will discuss the attempts from various groups and, of course, the winners will be announced!

The rewards!

The gems will be bought from an official retailer and sent to the winning team’s leader. That team’s leader will then have to distribute them to their squad however they like.

As previously stated, the winnings will be 50% of our monthly donations, which means that this value is subject to change each month. Each competition will use the previous month’s donations. the prize pool will be declared at the beginning of each month.

If you want to support the competitions, please contact me on discord @ Target#7629!


Darx (since 1989), ist ein Zocker, seit er weiß wie ein Einschaltknopf funktioniert und mit Nightfall rückte das Guild Wars-Franchise in das Zentrum seines digitalen Daseins. Seit 2015 als Redakteur bei GuildNews übernahm er offenbar Anfang 2020 die Leitung der Seite. Verrückte Welt! (in game: DarxMaster.3819)

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